How To Transform Your Life Through Christ-Likeness

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Have you ever spent so much time with a person that you began to talk, laugh, or even act like them? I have, and luckily I take after some pretty amazing people. I've picked up some southern twang and infectious laughter thanks to some of my best friends. The truth is, when we spend a lot of time with people, we can become like them. The same truth stands when we spend time with Christ—the more time we spend with Him, the more we become like Him. 

Knowing Christ is central to everything about us; why we do what we do and are who we are. Paul understood this, and passionately exclaimed it in Philippians 3:10 (Amplified Bible),

[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death.

When Paul penned this chapter, he used a term about "know(ing)" a few times and it's interesting that when he uses it, he's not suggesting intellectual knowledge like many of us would assume. When he uses it, he's suggesting personal knowledge. He wants to know as much as he can about Christ and be in a deep, intimate relationship with Him. He wants to share in all things with his Savior. 

We have many wonderful things to keep us occupied: family, jobs, hobbies, friendships. These are all great gifts but we are absolutely missing it if that's what our lives become about. It's so very devastating, to ourselves and others, when the order of God above all else is tipped. 


3 Ways to be More Like Christ

There are three brief points to draw from this verse that are simple to remember and easy to put into action.

  1. Pursue: Paul wanted to progressively know Christ. It's key to relationship with Him! Just like you would spend time with family and friends, you must spend time with Christ (if not more). You can't have a relationship without input. And how do you do this? When you spend time in prayer and worship.

  2. Understand: Paul desired to understand the wonders of God and the power of His resurrection. He knew it was important in having that relationship. When we read the Bible, we are reading the very tool God gave us to know Him. It provides pretty much everything we need to know!

  3. Share: Paul added he wanted to share in Christ's you didn't see that coming. A huge part of our transformation is sharing in His suffering. It allows us to relate and connect with Him, and in suffering, we are purified. Nothing refines us like the hard stuff.

If I could leave you with one thing, it would be this: knowing the life, death, and resurrection of Christ to the extent of an intimate relationship is more important than anything else in your life. You'll be a better parent, friend, spouse, and employee because of your devotion to Christ. Time with Him will never be lost.

I pray this devotion moves you to pursue Christ at a greater level. Challenges you to discipline yourself for the pursuit, understanding, and sharing in suffering required for transformation. You can't have the latter without those three elements. Seek Him out today, among the proverbial cluttered and noisy streets you walk each day in life. Transformation starts at relationship.