Crosswalk Article // What it Really Means to Follow Jesus


Our modern-day definition of following Jesus looks very different than it did two thousand years ago, especially in the western world. For many, we attend church occasionally for a motivational pep talk, open up the Bible even less, and serve at the local kitchen once a year, if we’re feeling generous. This is a far cry from the devotion Christians in the early church showed because, for them, it was a way of life. There was little middle ground or half-heartedness and where there was, it was often called out. Yet, we don’t live in such days; our world now very different from such modest times. So, how do we define what it looks like to follow Jesus? You might be surprised to learn that the definition hasn’t changed; to follow Jesus today looks the same as it did then.

In this Crosswalk article I share what it looks like to really follow Jesus today.