Exploring the Bible // Ecclesiastes

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The book of Ecclesiastes is a significant work on wisdom we should all refer to often. Solomon is the author and would have written it near the end of his life in 931 B.C. The word Ecclesiastes means “preacher” and is given to people from the wisest man who ever lived.

The book is a summary of Solomon’s life and shares key insights into a life well-lived. He fumbled quite a bit in his life but at the end of it—in reflection—wants to let the reader know that the pursuit of things in this world is meaningless. The key takeaway: outside of God, everything is meaningless.

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VANITY (CH. 1-2)

In the first two chapters of the book, Solomon expresses the clear and necessary message that everything under the sun, done for self or this world, is rooted in vanity. That there is vanity in wisdom without God. That there’s no value in toil and self-indulgence.


In these three chapters, Solomon shares important life lessons he has gathered. Such as there is a time for everything, that we all end in dust, toil is wasted, that there is evil in this world, and to fear God.


The king shares the difference between wisdom and folly. I hold close, personally, verse 1, “A good name is better than precious ointment.” Value your name and character; walk in wisdom.


In the final chapters, Solomon spends a great deal of time sharing life lessons. Most notably. to live your life for God, trust Him, and follow His commands.


Keeping God at the center of your life is vital. Don’t try to fill your life with the things of this world; it’s meaningless. Instead, for God and keep His commands.


“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:13 (ESV)

Ecclesiastes Summary PDF Downloadable